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As a result of its ongoing research and development RENK MAAG is able to offer highly efficient and reliable turbo gear boxes for both high speed and high power

Parallel Shaft Gearboxes of RENK-MAAG are designed and manufactured in accordance with the latest technical standards and are based on proven MAAG technology.

High Efficiency Turbogears HET Gear®«High Efficiency Turbogear»: Maximum efficiency is achieved by creating a partial vacuum in the gearbox. This aspect of gearbox power dissipation takes on greater significance specifically in the power generation sector. MAAG/RENK-MAAG has built up and developed its experience in the manufacture of vacuum gearboxes in the range of 15 MW–100 MW output since 1996. The construction of HET Gear® turbogears is patented by RENK-MAAG.

Integral gear/MULTICOM® gearboxes GMXMULTICOM® gearboxes GMX are designed and built according to the latest findings and processes in gearbox technology. As the heart of a multi-shaft compressor system, RENK-MAAG MULTICOM® gearbox GMX drives up to 10 compressor stageses.

RENK-MAAG High-Speed Epicyclic GearsHigh-speed epicyclic gears can be built relatively small as the power is distributed over several meshes. This results in a low “power to weight ratio” and, together with lower pitch line velocity, leads to improved efficiency. A simple, efficient principle when space is at a premium, therefore plant construction costs can be reduced by the coaxial design.


SPECIAL GEARSRENK-MAAG develops and manufactures specialgears for an enormously wide range of applications. Its clear strength lies in its close technical cooperation with customers. A detailed specification and required gearbox design for optimum solutions are discussed and developed in person with the customer.

Gearboxes with Integrated Synchronous ClutchIn modern power recovery processes (BPRT etc.) RENK-MAAG turbo gearboxes with integrated clutch are used. The recovered power is automatically and directly fed back to the train (compressor or generator) by means of an integrated MAAG-synchronous clutch. This type is available in the range of 3 to well over 100 MW.



RENK-MAAG - Innovators in Power Transmission



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