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For more than 50 years, TAPROGGE has been operating in the sector of optimization of water circuits, particularly in power stations, seawater desalination plants, refrigeration and industrial plants. In this special field the company is the international market leader with its inventions in process technology and plant engineering.

Today the company offers to the market comprehensive solutions with benefits optimized to suit the specific project. The skilful reciprocal integration of all components of such a comprehensive solution have a synergetic effect.

Some of the technical milestones that have had a decisive influence on today's design of major technical water circuits are:


  • Invention and first installation of the tube cleaning system patented by J. Taprogge ("TAPROGGE System")


  • Technical realisation of the first generation of large cooling water debris filters basing on turbulence technology


  • Development of the first filter generation basing on pressure-relieved backwash technology ("PR-BW technology")


  • Further development of the pressure-relieved backwash technology to the high-performance filter


  • Technical realisation of the first condenser monitoring system ("CMS")


  • Development and realisation of comprehensive solutions for the pre-treatment of reverse osmosis plants

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